Konocti Industries
4195 Lakeshore Blvd., Lakeport, CA 95453
(707) 263-3810
Offering paid work opportunities for over 30 years, Konocti Industries offers Supported Employment via work crews, which means you will be working with others in a group led by a qualified and caring crew supervisor (1:3 equals one crew supervisor with three crew members). It is through these work experiences that we assist each individual to achieve their employment goals.
Konocti Industries (KI) provides a variety of janitorial and landscape maintenance services to both residential and commercial customers throughout Lake County. Mowing, pruning, weed abatement, and one-time clean-ups are just a few of the tasks performed by KI crews as part of their daily duties.
Friendly, professional customer service is a primary objective of this program, however, there is much more to Konocti Industries than may, at first, meet the eye.
In addition to teaching valuable work skills, such as teamwork and problem-solving, KI allows the consumer the chance to interact with the community in several constructive and purposeful ways. By having the opportunity to demonstrate their talents and abilities in a public forum, consumers receive a sense of self-worth and pride which only increases with each completed project. All KI crew members receive wages for their contributions, promoting their personal and financial independence.
Both businesses and private individuals who have engaged Konocti Industries have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the services they have received. Furthermore, by hiring a local non-profit organization to meet their needs, they help foster a climate of inclusion and acceptance. The result is a mutually beneficial relationship between consumers and the community which extends long past the end of the workday.
Since 1984, residents of Lake County have supported Konocti Industries and, in return, have been rewarded with high-quality and efficient services. By working together with the public, Konocti Industries seeks to strengthen the bond between the individual and the community at large. Konocti Industries is dedicated to providing work-related advocacy and support. Let us help guide you through the world of work.
By choosing to work within Konocti Industries, you will:
Earn a paycheck
Take steps toward independence
Learn how to read your pay stubs
Be a productive member of your community
Learn valuable work skills
Set work-related goals
Communicate your work-related goals
Learn how to work safely in an open environment
Learn to work as a team member
Learn how to get along with others
Develop self management skills
Learn what it means to be flexible and open to changes in routine
Have fun and make new friends