Konocti LifeStyles (KLS)


4195 Lakeshore Blvd. Lakeport CA 95453
(707) 263-3810

Konocti LifeStyles Program (KLS) provides a customized, individualized, community based day program for those who want or need a one-on-one level of attention. KLS clients are encouraged to build their own program, incorporating their personal interests, goals and hobbies, as well as giving them the opportunity to volunteer in their community, achieve higher education, and even customized employment. As the clients communicate their interests, wants, and needs, the staff can assist in accessing locally available opportunities. Consumers can have a regular routine, or a less regimented schedule. The Flexibility of the KLS provides support needed for accessing medical, dental or other types of professional appointments or errands, as well. KLS is designed to provide the opportunity to learn and practice skills to increase their quality of life.

What are some things that we do?

·         Learn and practice household cleaning

·         Learn and practice community safety

·         Build money management skills

·         Learn and practice household safety

·         Plan menus and prepare meals

·         Access local colleges

·         Assist with scheduling and maintaining medical appointments

·         Participation in service clubs

·         Access to Konocti Instructional Services in Lakeport and Clearlake for classes


With KLS, the individual comes first, and they drive their person-centered plan where they would like to be.  The opportunities are virtually endless!

For more information, please contact:

Lupe Reynolds, Program Director (707)263-3810 ext.121,
or by email at lupereynolds@peopleservices.org